SoundED Programs

SoundED is a music / video education & training program that aims to engage all people in creative arts and provide opportunities for people to express themselves through hands on experiential learning that focuses on their strengths and interests.

SoundED facilitators have been developing and facilitating music and multimedia programs in schools and communities locally, nationally and internationally over past 20 years. We have developed facilitation and training techniques to not only achieve fantastic outcomes, but also ultilise group processes that encourage team work and collaborative creativity.

What we wind up with is irrelevant if we haven't taken the right approach to get there.

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Health Promotion is a key element of SoundED programs and we are able to embed key messages around specific health related issues into programs outcomes. Many of our projects, particularly through Red Dust Role Models, have involved taking health related issues and putting them into local language, with local images and local people. Issues as diverse as Trachoma, Rheumatic heart Disease, and AOD use have been worked into music video projects in this way.

Check out our Video Gallery to see us in action.

Or go to the SoundED Youtube site for more videos.


Some of our partner oranisations